Clean Our Oceans: The Impact of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Clean Our Oceans: The Impact of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Written by: Greg Wiszniewski

Marine debris and pollution consisting mostly of plastic trash is accumulating in oceans around the world. From the surface of the ocean, you might not even realize that a vast garbage patch swirls under the water. With ever-changing content and borders, scientists have difficulty estimating the size of these garbage patches. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch exists in the northern Pacific Ocean, stretching between Japan and the United States.

How the Garbage Patch Accumulated

About 80 percent of the plastic trash that makes up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch originated from land-based activities occurring in North America and Asia. The remaining 20 percent of the trash originated from boats and ships on the ocean. Experts estimate that it takes trash approximately six years to leave the coast of North America and end up in the garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean. From Asia, it takes trash only about one year to reach this destination. Because plastic does not decompose, it simply floats in the water, moving along with ocean currents. Some photodegradation occurs from sunlight, which breaks the plastic up into tiny pieces. Two separate zones of currents move two separate plastic patches in circular motions. Between the patches, a convergence zone moves the plastic back and forth.

Environmental Harm That Has Resulted

Animals living in these areas are experiencing significant harm from the plastic. Sea turtles think that the plastic is jellyfish, and they eat it. Albatrosses think that plastic resin pellets are fish eggs, and they feed them to their babies. Other animals become entangled and trapped in the plastic. These animals often drown due to the entanglement. Harm to the environment can also occur from the presence of the garbage patch. Because the garbage blocks sunlight, algae is not growing as it should. With less algae, the entire food chain is experiencing a negative disruption. In addition, the plastics floating in the ocean are leeching harmful chemicals into the water, which are likely entering the food chain.

Measures for Reducing and Preventing Ocean Pollution

The size, location, and extensive nature of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch makes cleaning it impractical. A large number of ships would need to work for an entire year to eliminate only a fraction of the plastic from the water. Because cleanup is infeasible, experts focus their efforts on prevention of additional accumulation of plastic in the garbage patches. To prevent additional problems, consumers should use biodegradable plastic when they choose to use plastic. Avoiding the use of plastic whenever possible can also help reduce the garbage patches. Recycling plastic properly is another effective prevention measure.

  • What is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch?: The National Ocean Service explains the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and potential ramifications of this marine debris.
  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Explained: Peruse this explanation on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, as explained by the National Science Foundation.
  • Marine Debris in the North Pacific (PDF): The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has compiled information about marine debris floating in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Lesson: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: This lesson plan explores the causes and results of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
  • Human Footprint (PDF): Humans have had a significant impact on the environment, with the Great Pacific Garbage Patch being one result of this negative footprint.
  • Marine Debris Threat Grows: The National Wildlife Refuge System, a division of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, shows the impact of marine debris on wildlife.
  • Green Voice (PDF): This publication of the U.S. National Park Service includes an article about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
  • Grass Roots Garbage Gang Beach Cleanup (PDF): An environmental group explains the importance of cleaning up trash that can become marine debris.
  • Reduce Plastics Use: One way to minimize the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is to reduce the amount of plastic products you use.
  • Diving In, Cleaning Up: Explore possible cleaning methods for resolving the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
  • Tide Turns Against Plastic Ocean Pollution: View pictures of trash in the ocean to learn about the devastating impact of this problem.
  • Ban the Bag: Explore the impact of single-use plastic and its accumulation in the Pacific Ocean in this report.
  • Welcome to the World of the Plastic Beach (PDF): Some people seek to raise awareness of issues such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch by writing songs about the marine debris.
  • Are You a Trash-Talking Litter Bug? (PDF): Learn about typical consumption and waste produced by Americans each day, which contributes to issues such as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
  • Marine Pollution: A Look into the Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Marine pollution floats in the Pacific Ocean, posing a risk to wildlife living around it.
  • Plastics in the Ocean Affecting Human Health: At least three different patches of garbage exist now in oceans around the world.
  • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: The garbage patches follow ocean currents, typically settling into calm areas of the oceans.

Last modified: April 9, 2018

Coral reef internships

Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2017 13:07:27 +0000
From: Chloe Baron <[email protected]>
Subject: [Coral-List] Fall REU Program at BIOS – Now accepting
To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”iso-8859-1″

Hello Coralist,

The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS) has received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), for the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Program, to support eight internships for undergraduate student research at BIOS during Fall 2017. Funding includes air travel to Bermuda, accommodation and meals. Each successful REU applicant will also receive a competitive stipend to cover miscellaneous expenses. In 2017, REU students will arrive at BIOS on August 27 and depart on November 18.

This program provides recipients with the opportunity to design and conduct intensive, hands-on research projects, under faculty supervision and mentorship, in several active and ongoing research areas.  Throughout the semester, REU students will give presentations that outline their research topic, methods, and results, including a final presentation to BIOS faculty, staff, and visiting students. REU students will also have the opportunity to participate in a variety of field excursions to learn about Bermuda’s natural history, as well as workshops and seminars given by BIOS faculty.  In 2017, students can select from the following projects:

* Implications of decreasing dissolved oxygen concentrations for nitrous oxide production.

* Characterizing Bermuda’s baitfish populations to improve management and fishery sustainability

* Ecological Aspects of Lionfish Population Structure on Mesophotic Reefs in Bermuda: Efficacy of removal efforts in controlling lionfish densities and maintaining biodiversity on mesophotic

* Exploring the biology of the remarkable coral Oculina valenciennesi

* Using optical tools to measure productivity of corals and algae

* Reef Community Light-Use Efficiency

* Phenology of Coral Pigments via Bio-Optics

* Characterizing Optical Properties of Coral Reef Waters

* Modeling Radiative Transfer Effects in Coral Reef Remote Sensing

* Catastrophe Modelling for Bermuda Risk Assessment

* Analysis of Maximum Potential Intensity from SST and Upper Ocean Heat Content perspectives

Further information on the REU program at BIOS can be found on the website, including eligibility and application information, student testimonials and more detail on potential projects that students may apply to work on in 2017.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

* Completed at least one year of undergraduate study

* Will not have graduated and will still be enrolled as an undergraduate in the fall of 2017

* U.S. citizen or permanent resident

The application deadline is May 31, 2017. We encourage all successful applicants to arrange for independent study credit through their home institutions; contact BIOS University Programs, for assistance as required. Underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]> should you require additional information on BIOS’s REU program or other BIOS university programs.



Chlo? Baron

Administrative Assistant | University Programs Librarian | E.L. Mark Memorial Library Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (BIOS)

17 Biological Station | St. George’s GE 01 | Bermuda T 441 297 1880 x115<>

Adaptive pathways of coral populations

New Results
Adaptive pathways of coral populations on the Great Barrier Reef

Mikhail V Matz, Eric A Treml, Galina V Aglyamova, Madeleine J H van Oppen, Line K Bay
This article is a preprint and has not been peer-reviewed [what does this mean?].
AbstractInfo/HistoryMetrics Preview PDF

Global warming is predicted to drive preferential survival of warm adapted genotypes that have migrated to cooler locations, and result in an overall decline in genetic diversity due to bleaching-related mortality. Population genomic analysis of Acropora millepora on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) revealed that most populations were demographically distinct with preferential southward migration from lower (warmer) to higher (cooler) latitudes. Still, no recent increase in southward migration was detectable, and predicted migration rates remained closely correlated with those derived from a biophysical model based on ocean currents. There was also no evidence of recent declines in genetic diversity. A multi-locus adaptation model suggested that standing genetic variation spread across latitudes might be sufficient to fuel continuous adaptation of A. millepora metapopulation over 100-200 years of gradual warming. However, the model also predicted increase in severity of local mortality events induced by thermal anomalies.

The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Job Announcement: Coral Bioinformatics (CIMAS/NOAA)

Date: Wed, 8 Feb 2017 17:15:23 -0500
From: James Hendee <[email protected]>
Subject: [Coral-List] Position Announcement: Coral Bioinformatics
To: Coral-List <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


*Research Associate II:  $53,900 per year for a minimum duration of 2 years*

The University of Miami, in collaboration with the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, is seeking a full-time bioinformatician to
conduct analysis of metagenomic and metatranscriptomic
Next-Generation-Sequencing data from marine ecosystems.  The Cooperative
Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies (CIMAS) of the University
of Miami invites applications for a Research Associate II position in
Bioinformatics to work closely with scientists at NOAA?s Atlantic
Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory?s Ocean Chemistry and
Ecosystems Division (AOML/OCED), located at 4301 Rickenbacker Causeway,
Miami, FL 33149.  (

This bioinformatics research works with large-scale microbial omics
datasets to study the biodiversity and interactions of microbes in
marine ecosystems across organizational scales and their roles in
ecosystem function and in diseases of marine organisms and communities.
This bioinformatics research also works with large-scale eukaryotic
omics datasets, especially of coral communities, investigating genomic
aspects of coral reef health, resiliency, and adaptation to
environmental changes such as sea level rise, climate change, ocean
acidification, and exposure to pollutants.  The primary tasks of the
bioinformatician will include data analysis, such as metagenomic
assembly, binning, annotation, mapping and comparisons of
metatranscriptomes; development and maintenance of bioinformatics
pipelines; development and maintenance of databases for microbiome and
coral omics data. Responsibilities will also include the training of
postdoctoral researchers, staff, graduate and undergraduate students in
high-performance computing, programming, and bioinformatics
applications.  The successful candidate for this position will conduct a
wide range of bioinformatic analysis of community DNA and RNA sequence
data collected from corals (holobiont – tissue, zooxanthella, and
microbiome) and environmental (e.g., seawater) samples. The appointee
will distill and compare large sequence data sets to provide comparative
metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analysis for both microbiome and
eukaryotic (coral) sequences, including assessments relative to
environmental metadata.

Qualified candidates must hold a minimum of a bachelor?s degree in
bioinformatics, data science, computer science, biology, or a related
field with a required 2-3 years of relevant experience in bioinformatics
analysis of environmental next-generation-sequencing data.  Experience
with Linux command line, scripting languages (Perl, Python, R, Bash,
etc.), expertise with bioinformatics portals and software, web
development languages and proper bioinformatic/software documentation is
needed.  Preference will be given towards candidates with a doctoral
degree in relevant discipline and demonstrated relevant expertise in
next-generation-sequencing bioinformatics analysis.  Proficiency and
prior experience with bioinformatics of environmental metagenomic,
metatranscriptomic, and coral holobiont community sequence datasets is
highly desired.

Apply online at: <>. A
statement of interest, Curriculum Vitae and contact information for 2
persons who can provide letters of recommendation are required.

*APPLY at ***
<,>*_,_**Postion #: **position P100014223***

The University of Miami is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer; smoke/drug free workplace.

Salary is $53,900 per year (including benefits) for two years.  Position
may be extended longer than 2 years depending on the availability of
additional funding and demonstrated good performance of the appointee.

For further information candidates should contact Dr. Christopher
Sinigalliano ([email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]>)

Prehistorical and historical declines in Caribbean coral reef accretion rates driven by loss of parrotfish

Prehistorical and historical declines in Caribbean coral reef accretion rates driven by loss of parrotfish

Published online:


Caribbean coral reefs have transformed into algal-dominated habitats over recent decades, but the mechanisms of change are unresolved due to a lack of quantitative ecological data before large-scale human impacts. To understand the role of reduced herbivory in recent coral declines, we produce a high-resolution 3,000 year record of reef accretion rate and herbivore (parrotfish and urchin) abundance from the analysis of sediments and fish, coral and urchin subfossils within cores from Caribbean Panama. At each site, declines in accretion rates and parrotfish abundance were initiated in the prehistorical or historical period. Statistical tests of direct cause and effect relationships using convergent cross mapping reveal that accretion rates are driven by parrotfish abundance (but not vice versa) but are not affected by total urchin abundance. These results confirm the critical role of parrotfish in maintaining coral-dominated reef habitat and the urgent need for restoration of parrotfish populations to enable reef persistence.


Caribbean coral reefs are among the most degraded reefs on the planet1,2. Since systematic reef monitoring began in the 1970s, researchers have documented a dramatic ‘phase shift’ on Caribbean reefs whereby habitats previously dominated by reef-building corals (in many locations, primarily branching corals from the Acropora genus) are now dominated by macroalgae and low-relief corals tolerant of lower water quality (higher turbidity and nutrient) conditions3,4,5. This phase shift followed disease outbreaks that killed en masse the Acropora corals and the sea urchin Diadema antillarum in the early 1980s as well as coral bleaching outbreaks that became widespread in the late 1980s (refs 6, 7, 8). The appearance and intensification of coral disease and bleaching epidemics in the Caribbean and elsewhere have been linked to elevated sea surface temperatures from global climate change9,10,11,12, algal overgrowth from overexploitation of herbivorous reef fishes1,13,14and increases in land-based runoff15,16.

While dramatic changes have been observed over the most recent decades, historical, archaeological and paleontological data reveal the antiquity of human disturbances to Caribbean reefs. Fishing and land clearing activities appear to have been altering reef communities and environments for centuries to millennia: exploitation of Caribbean reef megafauna, fishes and invertebrates began centuries before the arrival of Columbus in 1492 (refs 2, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22), and early intensive agricultural activities had degraded coral and mollusk communities on some reefs one to four centuries before disease and bleaching outbreaks23,24,25. However, the prehistorical and historical record of reef ecological change is primarily qualitative, poorly temporally constrained and rarely linked to contemporaneous human impacts to reef ecosystems, preventing a mechanistic explanation for recent and past declines that distinguishes between symptoms (bleaching and disease epidemics) and drivers (fishing, land-clearing, pollution and climate change).

Although there is scientific consensus that local and global anthropogenic stressors have negatively impacted Caribbean reefs, debate is ongoing about the initial timing and hence dominant drivers of recent change. While some studies document one or more centuries of decline in reef communities2,18,20,21,24, other core-based studies of coral communities found little change in corals until the 1980s (refs 4, 26). This debate has been confounded by the imprecision of radiocarbon dates for the historical time period27. The assessment of causes of change has also been hindered by the synergistic nature of anthropogenic stressors, which are currently impacting reefs simultaneously. For example, recent coral disease epidemics have been identified as the major cause of reef coral decline8, but coral disease is exacerbated by elevated macroalgal abundance28,29,30 which is a result of (1) longstanding local disturbances such as overfishing of keystone herbivores including parrotfish1,5,11 and inputs of nutrients and pollutants onto reefs from agricultural and industrial activities16,31,32,33and (2) more recent acute and geographically extensive events such as the Diadema dieoff and coral bleaching12,34. The debate about the relative importance of historical and local versus recent and regional or global anthropogenic causes of reef declines (and the magnitude of their interactive effects—see ref. 35) has important management consequences, as the complexity of approaches is increased with the geopolitical scale of anthropogenic drivers5,36,37.

To help resolve the role of herbivory loss in Caribbean reef ecosystem declines, we produce a continuous, high-resolution reconstruction of change in reef fish, coral, and urchin communities over the past three millennia by analysing the recent remains (‘subfossils’) of fish teeth, coral fragments and urchin spines preserved within reef sediment cores collected at three sites in Bocas del Toro, Caribbean Panama. Whereas previous studies of historical reef change in the Caribbean have had relatively poor temporal resolution due to the imprecision of radiocarbon dating for recent material4,24,25,26,27, we utilize uranium-thorium (U–Th) dating to develop a high-resolution chronology of change in fish, coral and urchin composition and reef accretion rates. Coupled with a recently developed technique that assesses time-delayed causal relationships, convergent cross mapping (CCM)38,39,40, our approach allows us to (1) produce the first historical reconstruction of reef fish communities from abundant fish teeth subfossils, (2) track changes in reef accretion rates from a continuous millennial-scale record of coral-dominated reef sediment accumulation and (3) quantify the causative relationship between reef accretion rate and the abundance of major reef herbivores—parrotfish and urchins.

At each site, declines in accretion rates and parrotfish abundance were initiated in the prehistorical or historical period. CCM analyses revealed that accretion rates were driven by parrotfish abundance (but not vice versa) but were not affected by total urchin abundance. These results confirm the critical role of parrotfish in maintaining coral-dominated reef habitat and the urgent need for management actions to maintain and restore parrotfish populations to enable reef persistence in the Caribbean.


Collection of reef matrix cores

Cores were collected from three sites within the semi-enclosed lagoon Almirante Bay that span a gradient of influence from land-based runoff41. Two sites, Airport Point and Cayo Adriana, are fringing reefs located along the southern coast of Colon Island 10 and 18 km from the mainland coast of Almirante Bay, respectively, while Punta Donato is a patch reef located 2 km from the western mainland coast, an area of industrial-scale banana agriculture since the late 19th century33 (Fig. 1). A previous analysis of change in coral and molluscan subfossil assemblages spanning from approximately 1900 AD to present from pits excavated at Punta Donato revealed that this site first experienced significant declines in reef water quality at least a century ago24,25.

Figure 1: Reef accretion rates over last 3,000 years in Bocas del Toro, Panama.
Figure 1

(a) Reef matrix cores (n=4) analysed for subfossil and sediment composition and U–Th dates (n=23) obtained (in year AD) along length of cores. AP=Airport Point, CA=Cayo Adriana, PD1 and PD2=replicate cores from Punta Donato. (b) Map of coring locations. Stars indicate population centers, including Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)’s research station. Turquoise=AP, blue=CA, pink and green=PD1 and PD2, respectively. (c) Age-depth plot showing reef accretion trends Age reversals excluded from linear interpolations of age estimates; rates for PD2 were assumed to be equivalent to those for same core position in PD1.

Reef matrix composition and U–Th chronology

Reef cores are primarily composed of a dense matrix of coral skeleton and mollusk shell fragments (>2 mm) within a sandy-muddy matrix of carbonate grains. The 27 230Th ages obtained from all six cores reveal that these cores span the period 1239±15 BC to 1984±3 AD. Corrected 230Th age errors (2σ) range from±3 to 15 years (see Supplementary Table 1). Nearly all 230Th ages are in chronological order, but one age reversal occurs in the top meter section of each of the well-dated cores from Airport Point and Cayo Adriana, indicating a notable slowdown of reef accretion rates approximately 1,000 years ago at these sites (Fig. 1). Reef accretion rates at Punta Donato peak from 1000–1500 AD and slow from 1500 AD to the tops of the cores. The bottom sections of both Punta Donato cores are composed of quartz sand that was initially colonized by bivalves before corals were established on the shell layer; these cores capture the full lifespan of this reef, from initial development (characterized by slow initial reef accretion) to cessation. Because we cored dead rubble zones adjacent to living reef, 230Th ages from the top of three cores are not modern. While cores from the patch reef at Punta Donato extend into the 1950s and 1980s, those from the fringing reefs at Airport Point and Cayo Adriana terminate much earlier: both Airport Point cores terminate near 1200 AD, while the Cayo Adriana cores terminate at 1000 AD and 1925 AD (Supplementary Table 1). A linear fit through all the dates in the well-dated Cayo Adriana core suggest that accretion slowed dramatically around 1300–1400 AD (Fig. 1).

The cessation of reef growth at the two fringing reefs, despite areas of active coral growth directly downslope of our coring locations and within 0.5 m of the water surface, suggests that the zones in which we cored may have transitioned from actively accreting to non-accreting environments due to changes in local hydrography related to changing sea level42. We therefore analysed the subfossil and sediment composition from the most recent core from each of the fringing reefs and both cores from the Punta Donato patch reef to provide a high-resolution record of change over the past 3,000 years, with Airport Point representing the prehistorical period (997 BC–1280 AD), Cayo Adriana representing the prehistorical-early industrial period (264 AD–1926 AD), and Punta Donato representing the prehistorical-modern (post-industrial) period (1100 AD–1984 AD for core 1 and 898 AD–1956 AD for core 2; Fig. 1). Linking accretion rates between the well-dated and replicate core from Punta Donato (PD1 and PD2, respectively) shows a 200 year mismatch between estimated and observed bottom values, indicating a lower reef accretion rate at PD2 (Supplementary Table 1).

Long-term trends in herbivore abundance and reef accretion

The subfossil fish tooth assemblage is composed of caniniform, incisiform, molariform and hybrid morphotypes and fragments, with individual core samples containing 74 teeth on average (range=2–232). The coral assemblage is composed primarily of branching Porites spp. (mainly Porites furcata), Agaricia spp., Madracis mirabilis and Acropora cervicornis, and the urchin assemblage is is composed primarily of Echinometra spp., Lytcehinus/Tripneustes spp. and Diadema antillarum (Fig. 2). There is an overall decline in the absolute abundance of fish teeth and corals and an overall increase in urchins across the full time series (Fig. 3). Within individual cores, peaks in absolute abundance of fish teeth generally coincide with periods of high reef accretion rates, despite the shorter period of time for subfossils to accumulate in these samples. Similarly, minima in fish tooth abundance occur during periods of low reef accretion rates despite the longer period of time represented in these samples that would allow for a greater accumulation of subfossils.

Figure 2: Major subfossil groups preserved in reef matrix cores.
Figure 2

(a) Fish teeth functional groups and variety of parrotfish tooth morphotypes. Teeth range from 500–63 μm in size but majority are 250–104 μm; images not to scale. (b) Common coral taxa identified from skeletal fragments. (c) Common urchin taxa identified from spines.

Figure 3: Millennial-scale trends in abundance of major reef subfossil groups and accretion rates.
Figure 3

(a) Total fish tooth abundance measured as number of individual teeth divided by dry weight of all sediment size fractions combined. (b) Total coral abundance measured as weight of coral fragments from>2 mm sediment fraction divided by dry weight of>2 mm fraction. (c) Total urchin abundance measured as weight of urchin spines divided by dry weight of 0.5–2 mm sediment fraction. (d) Proportion of all teeth belonging to parrotfish. (e) Reef accretion rate represented as mm of reef sediment accumulated per year. (f) Abundance of Echinometra urchins measured as total spine weight of genus divided by dry weight of 0.5–2 mm sediment fraction. Number samples=154. Turquoise=Airport Point, blue=Cayo Adriana, pink and green=Punta Donato 1 and 2, respectively. Coloured lines are loess smoothed estimated trends for individual cores and semitransparent black lines are loess smoothed estimates for all cores combined; smoothing parameter=0.9.

Comparison of subfossil tooth morphotypes to our modern tooth reference collection reveals that 46% of all teeth belong to parrotfish (family Labridae), the most important herbivores on post-Diadema Caribbean reefs43 and whose depletion on most reefs has been linked to the replacement of corals with macroalgae following the Diadema die-off1,5. The relative abundance of parrotfish decreases across the time series and region as a whole, with notable declines at individual sites beginning at100 AD at Airport Point, 1000 AD at Cayo Adriana and 1600 AD at Punta Donato, coinciding with declines in accretion rates and total tooth abundance for the latter two sites (Fig. 3). Relative abundance of parrotfish teeth is a reliable proxy of absolute parrotfish tooth abundance, as these measures are closely positively correlated (Supplementary Fig. 1). Branching Porites consistently dominates the coral assemblage within most cores and time periods, except for periods of dominance of staghorn coral A. cervicornis from 1000–1920 AD at Cayo Adriana, branching M. mirabilis from approximately 1500–1800 AD in both Punta Donato cores, and temporary and periodic dominance of lettuce coral Agaricia at Airport Point and Cayo Adriana (Supplementary Fig. 2). The urchin assemblage is consistently dominated by Echinometra (85% total spine weight), whose abundance closely tracks that of overall urchin abundance (Fig. 3). Typically seagrass- and reef-associated Lytechinus/Tripneustes urchins comprise 12% of overall spine weight, while the keystone herbivore D. antillarum is consistently rare across cores, comprising 3% of overall spine weight.

Causal relationships between herbivory and reef accretion

There is a significant causal relationship between reef accretion and parrotfish abundance. However, this relationship is unidirectional: while parrotfish abundance (measured in relative or absolute terms) positively affects reef accretion rate, reef accretion rate has no causal effect on parrotfish abundance (Fig. 4). In contrast, we detect no causal relationship between total urchin abundance (measured as the proportion of sediment weight from the 0.5–2 mm size fraction comprised of urchin spines) and reef accretion (Fig. 4). When urchin taxa are considered separately, Lytechinus/Tripneustes has a significant positive causal effect on accretion rate, but neither Echinometra nor Diadema are causally related to accretion (Supplementary Fig. 3). Parrotfish abundance has a positive causal effect on the abundance of the dominant urchin taxon Echinometra but not Diadema or Lytechinus/Tripneustes (Supplementary Fig. 3). There is no causal relationship between the relative abundance of branching Porites, the only consistently common coral species across the cores during the last three millennia, and reef accretion rates (Fig. 4). Diagnostic plots show assumptions of nonlinearity and nonrandomness were met for each variable pairing (Supplementary Figs 4 and 5).

Figure 4: Analysis of causality between reef accretion and abundance of herbivores or dominant coral.
Figure 4

(a) Parrotfish relative abundance and reef accretion rate. (b) Urchin abundance and reef accretion rate. (c) Parrotfish relative abundance and urchin abundance. (d) Branching Porites coral relative abundance and reef accretion rate. Lines and shaded regions show mean±s.d. from 100 bootstrapped iterations. Significant causal forcing (*) determined from bootstrap test with 100 iterations, and indicated when the Pearson correlation coefficient is significantly greater than zero for larger sample sizes (number of core samples, including all spatial replicates in the composite time series) and when correlation coefficient increases significantly with increasing number of core samples.


The subfossils and sediments analysed from our reef matrix cores provide a 3,000-year continuous record of reef growth and herbivore abundance in Bocas del Toro that spans the period of intensifying human impacts to coastal marine ecosystems18,19,44. At the coring locations of each of our three sites, reefs show declines in accretion rates and fish abundance initiated in the prehistorical or historical period as they transition from actively accreting to non-accreting habitats. Reefs shift from systems with high overall fish and coral abundance with greater relative abundance of parrotfish during faster accretion periods to systems with reduced fish and coral abundance typified by fewer parrotfish during slower accretion periods.

Our analyses of the causal relationship between reef herbivore abundance and accretion rates demonstrate the essential role of herbivory in coral growth and abundance. During the prehistorical and historical periods, parrotfish abundance was a positive driver of reef accretion, indicating that their positive effects on coral growth via removal of benthic macroalgae outweigh their negative effects via corallivory and bioerosion45,46 (although parrotfish may facilitate coral disease on eutrophied reefs—ref. 35). However, the lack of a causal effect of accretion on parrotfish abundance suggests that other factors, including fishing, are more important determinants of parrotfish population dynamics47. Our fish tooth record may indicate long-term declines in reef herbivory from prehistorical and historical artisanal fishing, as the highest relative abundances of parrotfish are found in the prehistoric records from Airport Point and Cayo Adriana (Fig. 3).

We did not detect a causal relationship between overall urchin abundance (consistently dominated by Echinometra throughout the past three millennia) and reef accretion, likely signifying that Echinometra’s positive effect on reef accretion via herbivory is of similar magnitude to their negative effect via intense coral boring activity48,49. In contrast, reef accretion is positively driven by the abundance of the subdominant Lytechinus/Tripneustes group, likely indicating their positive effects on accretion via herbivory are greater than any negative effects from bioerosion50,51. Surprisingly, the keystone herbivore and coral bioeroder Diadema was not found to be causally related to reef accretion, likely a result of the consistent rarity of this urchin on the forereef slope zone of our coring sites. The multispatial CCM analyses reveal a positive causal effect of parrotfish abundance on total urchin abundance in general and Echinometra abundance in particular (Fig. 4, Supplementary Fig. 3). This effect indicates a mutualistic rather than competitive relationship between parrotfish and Echinometra that may be caused by parrotfish-mediated facilitation of (1) coral-dominated habitat and/or (2) palatable benthic algal communities preferred by this urchin. Reef accretion rates are not causally affected by the relative abundance of the most common coral species, branching Porites. While accretion rates would undoubtedly be affected by changes in the relative abundance of exceptionally fast growing species such as Acropora cervicornis52, this species was only temporarily dominant at a single coring location, preventing a rigorous assessment of this relationship (Supplementary Fig. 2).

Although reef accretion and parrotfish abundance decline during the most recent 500–1,000 years within each core (Fig. 3), the timing of these transitions suggests differing causes of change. At Airport Point, accretion and parrotfish declines occur as early as two millennia ago and reef accretion stopped by 1280 AD. Fish declines are also evident 1000 AD at the Cayo Adriana reef but accretion also largely stops by 1300–1400 AD—broadly in the same period as the Airport Point reef. However, unlike Airport Point, the reef at Cayo Adriana continues very slow growth into the historic period. During the period between 0 AD and 1400 AD, low human population levels in Bocas del Toro presumably had relatively little environmental impact on reefs33,53,54. This timing and the persistence of living coral communities within just 5–10 meters of the coring locations at Airport Point and Cayo Adriana implicate non-human drivers of change, possibly related to alterations in reef hydrography resulting from local sea level fluctuation42. Notably, the reef at Punta Donato was becoming established just before the slowdown in accretion at the fringing reef sites, reinforcing the conclusion that the declines in accretion at the fringing reefs were not primarily due to human impacts but likely reflect the evolution of the hydrography of Almirante Bay.

In contrast, the more recent transition of the reef community at Punta Donato implicates human activities. Declines in fish and coral abundance and relative abundance of parrotfish become detectable between the mid-18th to mid-19th century and continue to the present, with very little living coral persisting at this site today24. This period is one of relatively high human population density near Almirante Bay and increasing exploitation of coastal marine resources from indigenous inhabitants, non-local indigenous and European traders, pirates engaging in intensive harvesting of mega-herbivores including green sea turtles and manatees, and land clearing for industrial-scale banana agriculture33,54,55. The similar observed ecological trajectories of change across both historic and prehistoric reef sites suggest that reef ecosystem deterioration follows the same pattern whether caused by anthropogenic activities or natural events—historical local human activities appear to have unraveled reefs at a scale similar to past large-scale hydrological changes.

Factors associated with the preservation and accumulation of reef sediments and subfossil assemblages could have affected our results. Ages and accretion rates could be affected by uncertainties in age model estimation, likely primarily caused by linear interpolations between samples with dated coral pieces and/or uncertainties in precise core depth of individual samples from sediment compaction during or after the coring process (on average, post-coring settlement reduced core lengths by 0.8 m, or by 18% of their original length). Reef accretion rates declined dramatically in the top 1 m of the Airport Point and Cayo Adriana cores and each included one age reversal (which we excluded from the age models). Therefore, age estimations near these reversals are less certain than those in other samples. Although reef accretion rates were used as a proxy of coral growth, non-coral carbonate producing organisms also contributed to sediment production. However, 83% of the weight of the undigested sediments>500 μm (which account for 80% of sample volume and 50% of total sediment weight on average), is made up of coral. Accretion rates could also have been affected by the degree of bioerosion or physical erosion which could create finer sediments that might be more easily removed from the reef matrix by current or wave action. However, because accretion rates are not related to sediment grain size (Supplementary Fig. 6), accretion estimates appear to be independent of bioerosion effects. Similarly, changes in reef accretion could result in less baffling of sediments between the coral fragments comprising the reef framework, possibly affecting the total abundance of smaller subfossils such as fish teeth. However, these changes would not be expected to significantly affect the taxonomic composition of fish teeth or urchin spines, as taxa within each of these groups contain subfossils of similar size. Smaller grains<2 mm (including fish teeth and urchin spines) could have been winnowed through cores via bioturbation or the coring process, moving them deeper along the core length than larger coeval particles (corals), leading to mismatch in ages between corals and smaller fossils. However, the tight temporal coupling between reef accretion rates (based off ages of coral fragments) and accumulation rates and community composition of fish teeth and urchin spines indicate minimal vertical reworking or winnowing occurred. Finally, the subfossil tooth record likely overemphasizes the contribution of parrotfish to the total living reef fish community, as the dentition of many parrotfish species includes a multi-element tooth battery, scraping and excavating feeding behaviours cause high tooth turnover rates and parrotfish teeth are more likely to be deposited in reef sediments compared with teeth from higher trophic level fishes that frequently migrate to non-reef habitats. However, as these factors would not be expected to vary over time, our tooth record is appropriate for tracking temporal change in parrotfish abundance.

Our analysis of millennial-scale change in reef communities in Bocas del Toro suggests that historical fishing may have been significantly affecting Caribbean reefs for over two centuries, initiating ecosystem declines from which they have not recovered. The clear positive causal effect of parrotfish abundance on reef accretion rate indicates that modern Caribbean reefs that have largely been depleted of these herbivores may be locked into an alternative stable state of macroalgal dominance56, and that positive accretion may cease on many reefs if parrotfish abundance remains low. Our subfossil data conclusively demonstrate that a significant and immediate reduction of fishing on parrotfish is necessary to enable coral recovery and persistence in the Caribbean.


Collection and processing of reef matrix cores

To prevent damaging living corals, we collected cores from rubble zones on the reef slope adjacent to living coral colonies. At each site, two replicate cores 10.1 cm in diameter and ranging from 3–5.5 m in length were extracted 10–30 m apart at 6–7 m water depth using using a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) and a combination of push-coring and vibra-coring techniques. Cores were split lengthwise, and the working half was sliced into 5 cm increments (referred to as samples throughout the paper). Subfossils were analysed from every sample from the top 1 m of each core to produce a high-resolution record of change from the most recent period, while every third sample was analysed from deeper parts of the core to produce a moderately high-resolution record from the pre-historical period. This scheme resulted in the analysis of 36–41 samples from each core. Samples were dried and weighed, then wet sieved at 2 mm, 500, 250, 104 and 63 μm fractions to facilitate sorting and counting different taxonomic groups.

Reconstructing reef ecosystem state

We tracked changes in the abundance and taxonomic or functional composition of reef fish, corals and urchins through time. Reef accretion rate, a measure of carbonate production by hermatypic corals as well as other carbonate-producing organisms, was computed by determining sedimentation rates based on our age models (time/5 cm increment). Fish teeth were analysed from all five sediment size fractions. To remove small carbonate grains from acid-insoluble tooth subfossils, we dissolved the three sediment size fractions <500 μm in 10% acetic acid. Parrotfish teeth (family Labridae) were identified from gross tooth morphology and with the assistance of a tooth and jaw reference collection that we developed from dissection and photography of oral and pharyngeal jaws of 287 positively identified Caribbean reef fish species that represent all Caribbean reef families and most genera. Modern fish specimens were obtained from the Fish Collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History and fish markets in Bocas del Toro and Colón, Panama. Our photographic reference collection is at

Coral and urchin subfossils were assigned to species or generic level. Coral fragments from the >2 mm sediment fraction were weighed and identified to common taxa (Acropora cervicornis, Agaricia spp., branching Porites spp., Madracis mirabilis). Urchin spines were picked from the 0.5–2 mm fraction and separated into two typically reef-associated taxa (Diadema antillarum, Echinometra spp.) and one typically seagrass- or reef-associated group (Lytechinus and Tripneustes spp.) and counted and weighed. Total urchin abundance was also computed to track effects of overall urchin herbivory on reef accretion rates.

Assessing timing of ecological change

A high-resolution chronology of reef ecosystem change was obtained by U–Th dating coral fragments within the cores using a Nu Plasma multi-collector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer (MC-ICP-MS) in the Radiogenic Isotope Facility at University of Queensland, following chemical treatment procedures and MC-ICP-MS analytical protocols described in ref. 57. For U–Th dating, each coral sample consisting of 150 mg fine sand-size chips that were carefully fragmented, H2O2-treated and then hand-picked under a binocular microscope to remove any trace detritus or grains with discolouration was spiked with a mixed 229Th–233U tracer and then completely dissolved in double-distilled concentrated HNO3. After digestion, each sample was further treated with H2O2 to decompose trace amounts of organic matter (if any) and to facilitate complete sample-tracer homogenization. U and Th were separated using conventional anion-exchange column chemistry using Bio-Rad AG 1-X8 resin. After stripping off the matrix from the column using double-distilled 7N HNO3 as eluent, 4N HNO3 and 2%HNO3+0.03% HF mixture was used to elute U and Th into 3.5 ml pre-cleaned test tubes, respectively. After screening U and Th concentrations in the U and Th fractions using their 1:100 dilute solutions on a quadrupole ICP-MS, the U and Th separates for the samples were then re-mixed in 2% HNO3 to make 3 ml solution in a pre-cleaned 3.5 ml test tube. The mixed solution for each sample contained the entire Th fraction and a small percentage of the U fraction. The amount of U fraction to be added to the mixed solution was calculated based on the screening results and the MC-ICP-MS working sensitivity, aiming to achieve 5 volts of 238U signal. The remixed U–Th solution was injected into the MC-ICP-MS through a DSN-100 desolvation nebulizer system with an uptake rate of 0.1 ml min−1. U–Th isotopic measurements were performed on the MC-ICP-MS using a detector configuration to allow simultaneous measurements of both U and Th isotopes. The 230Th/238U and 234U/238U activity ratios of the samples were calculated using the decay constants given in ref. 58. 230Th ages were calculated using the Isoplot 3.75 Program59. 230Th ages were corrected for non-radiogenic 230Th contributions using a modelled two-component-mixing non-radiogenic 230Th/232Th value based on the equation in ref. 57 (also see Supplementary Table 1).

At each site, a highly constrained chronology was produced for one core where four 230Th ages were obtained from the top 1 m of the core and one date from approximately every 0.5 m interval below that, yielding 6–8 ages per core (Fig. 1). From these cores, accretion rates were estimated using linear interpolation between each pair of ages. Age reversals were removed before interpolations. Only two 230Th ages were obtained from the top and bottom of the replicate cores at each site, with the top age used to constrain the sedimentation rate to that of contemporaneous periods of the adjacent well-dated core.

Data synthesis and interpretation

To account for varying sediment quantities among individual samples, overall fish, coral and urchin abundances were determined from total number of teeth or total weight of coral fragments and urchin spines divided by the dry weight of the sediment size fraction(s) from which they were picked. Because proportional abundances of living communities are generally faithfully represented in subfossil assemblages60, we computed relative abundances of parrotfish and coral species (relative to total tooth abundance and total coral weight, respectively). Urchin species abundance was calculated from the spine weight divided by the dry weight of the 0.5–2 mm sediment fraction from which they were picked.

Temporal trends in individual community components were assessed by plotting abundance values of individual samples, with trends assessed within each core and across all cores combined using non-parametric locally weighted regression (‘loess’)-smoothed trendlines61. The loess smoothing parameter was set to 0.9 for assessment of general trends across the full time series.

Causality analyses

To assess the presence and direction of causal relationships between herbivore abundance and reef accretion rates and between herbivore groups, we used CCM, a technique that compares the ability of time-lagged components of one process to estimate the dynamics of another. CCM tests for significant causal relationships by recognizing that the observed values of a forcing process should be significantly better explained by observed values of a response process than expected by chance, and the accuracy of that explanation should improve with increasing time series length35,36,37. We used a variant of CCM, multispatial CCM, which is appropriate for spatially replicated time series that individually contain short series (≤30) of sequential ecological observations of systems that share similar dynamics36, such as samples from our four individual cores.

Briefly, the algorithm proceeded in five steps: (1) using cross-validation, determine the optimal embedding dimension (E) that describes the number of time steps that best predicts the dynamics of each explored process (that is, parrotfish abundance, urchin abundance, accretion rate), (2) test for nonlinearity and stochastic noise to ensure that none of the processes were purely random and that stochastic noise was not so large that causal links could not be recovered. Stochasticity and nonlinearity were tested by visually assessing whether predictive power was reasonably high for short time steps and decreased with increasing prediction time, respectively38,39, (3) calculate the ability of two processes to describe each other’s dynamics using CCM by confirming that predictive skill (Pearson correlation coefficient) increased with greater number of historical observations (here, number of samples from a single core), (4) use bootstrapping with replacement to leverage spatial information to reshuffle the order of spatial replicates and calculate the correlation coefficient and (5) use nonparametric bootstrapping to test whether predictions indicated a significant causal relationship by determining whether calculated correlation coefficient was significantly greater than zero and whether it increased significantly with sample size. One hundred bootstrap iterations were performed for steps 4 and 5. All statistical analyses were conducted using the R software package62; causality analyses were conducted using the ‘Multispatial CCM’ package in R39.

Data availability

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Additional information

How to cite this article: Cramer, K. L. et al. Prehistorical and historical declines in Caribbean coral reef accretion rates driven by loss of parrotfish. Nat. Commun. 8, 14160 doi: 10.1038/ncomms14160 (2017).

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We thank F. Rodríguez, C. Angioletti, B. Degracia, M. Álvarez, E. Ochoa and T. Norris for help collecting sediment cores, A. Hangsterfer for help with transport and storage of core material, E. Sibert for help developing fish tooth isolation and sorting techniques, B. Oller, C. Carpenter, S. Buckley and M. Siltanen for processing reef sediments, A. Sanderson and D. Chen for help isolating and identifying fish teeth, C. Carpenter and L. Paulukonis for help isolating and identifying urchin spines, K. McComas, J. Williams, P. Hastings, D. Pitassy, H.J. Walker, M. Álvarez, F. Rodríguez, M. Pinzon Concepcion, A. Castillo for help developing the modern Caribbean reef fish tooth reference collection, H. Ye for guidance with convergent cross mapping analyses, D. Bellwood and S. Brandl for assistance identifying parrotfish teeth, R. Collin, G. Jácome and P. Góndola for help with field logistics, and J. Mate and Authority of Aquatic Resources of Panama for facilitating and providing collection permits. K.L.C. was supported by Smithsonian Institution MarineGEO and UC San Diego Frontiers of Innovation Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowships. The National System of Investigators of the National Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation of Panama supported A.O. Valerie and Bill Anders kindly helped to support fieldwork. This is contribution 12 from the Smithsonian’s MarineGEO Network.

Author information


  1. Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA

    • Katie L. Cramer
    •  & Richard D. Norris
  2. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Box 0843-03092 Balboa, Republic of Panama

    • Katie L. Cramer
    •  & Aaron O’Dea
  3. Radiogenic Isotope Facility, School of Earth Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland QLD 4072, Australia

    • Tara R. Clark
    •  & Jian-xin Zhao


K.L.C., R.D.N., and A.O’D. designed the study and collected data in the field, K.L.C., and R.D.N. processed core sediments and/or isolated and sorted subfossils, K.L.C. conducted statistical analyses and summaries of data trends, R.D.N. designed the coring system, T.R.C. and J.Z. created U-series chronologies for each core, K.L.C. wrote first draft of manuscript, and all authors contributed to revisions.

Competing interests

The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Katie L. Cramer.

Goliath Grouper story

The greatest tragedy in the Goliath Grouper story is that the institutions in charge of managing its survival can’t see beyond the “fishery” label.

Open Letter to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC)

February 2, 2017

FWC Commissioners,

Recently, at a Facebook post, FWC made the following statement: “all wild animals deserve respect and space”. Once again, FWC is holding a meeting to discuss whether a wild animal deserves respect and space. On February 8, 2017, FWC will review the status of Goliath Grouper and “management strategies that could be considered in the future that could potentially provide additional information about this species in Florida”. This is code for discussing a potential reopening of the fishery. The same discussion was held in 2007, 2009, 2011 and 2014, with various killing proposals. All proposals were finally rejected in view of the scientific evidence and stakeholder opposition. As a reminder, Goliath Groupers live in the slow lane, with juvenile females entering the adult population by 8 years old (close to the age of menarche in girls or age of first menstruation), and they have a maximum lifespan beyond 40 years (perhaps 60 to 100 years old). For such a long lived fish, a 2 to 3-year difference between assessments to reopen the fishery is absurd.

The greatest tragedy in the Goliath Grouper story is that the institutions in charge of managing its survival can’t see beyond the “fishery” label.

Fish are wildlife. They are not commodities. They are an integral part of marine and freshwater ecosystems. They are not numbers in stock assessment models but animals with complex life histories. We kill fish to eat them. Sometimes we kill so many of them they go extinct, or almost. We killed so many Goliath Groupers once in Florida and the Southeastern USA they reached commercial extinction. This is the reason for the 1990 state and federal moratorium on harvest.


Historic photo when the largest Goliath Groupers were killed in Key West, Florida, USA. Photo Credit: Anonymous

It takes 27 years to grow a 27 year old Goliath Grouper. The obvious gets lost in our current economy ruled by quarterly profits. Such short-term approach permeates through FWC when you are pressured by the fishing lobby to “do something” about the Goliaths, and that “something” is usually understood by “we want to kill them again”, with the labels of “scientific take”, “culling”, “selected take” and various creative language.

The reason most frequently used to reopen a recreational take of Goliath Grouper is the perception that Goliath Groupers eat everything and are responsible for declining fish and lobster stocks. This is an urban legend with no connection to reality. Research done by myself and others shows that overfishing, not Goliath Groupers, is the reason for declining fish and lobster stocks. In fact, Goliath Groupers eat predators of juvenile lobsters, allowing more lobsters to grow to legal size and making more lobsters available to fishers.

Sometimes the need to “thin the herd” is also used as a reason to reopen the Goliath Grouper fishery. However, the thinning is already happening because Goliaths are killed for several reasons, from the mundane (red tides, poaching) to the exotic (death by nuclear reactor). In 2005, extensive red tides killed close to 100 adult Goliath Groupers in the west coast of Florida. This is a recovery setback because we lost individuals capable of producing the next generations. In the 2009 and 2010 winters, extreme cold water temperatures in Florida killed 90 % of juvenile Goliath Groupers living in mangrove shorelines. This is another setback because we lost fish that were unable to reproduce at all, and therefore contributed nothing to the recovery. In August 2011, over 75 adult Goliath Groupers were killed at the St. Lucie nuclear power plant in Fort Pierce, Florida. The fish were trapped in the plant’s water intake canal. This is a major manmade disaster. FWC and NOAA promised improved contingency measures, but the intake canal and the danger remains.

Poaching of Goliath Grouper exists. FWC enforcement is aware of it. We also know there’s targeted catch and release, even when it represents a violation of the ongoing moratorium, plus there is “possession” in the sense that Goliaths are held out of the water to take pictures, which eventually show in social media, in sport fishing magazines, etc. (another violation of the moratorium). We don’t know how many of the “released” Goliaths actually survive (after fighting on the line and posing for pictures while drowning).

Lastly, some fishers say they want to kill Goliath Groupers to eat them. Goliaths have such high levels of methyl mercury that they are deemed unsafe for human consumption.

Goliath Grouper spawning aggregation or singles bar

TODAY: Goliath grouper spawning aggregation re-forming in east Florida thanks to a 27-year fishing ban implemented after reaching commercial extinction in the 1980s. Photo Credit: Walt Stearns

What economic benefits can we get from Goliath Groupers? I’m aware these days species must pay forward for their own protection and Goliath Groupers have been doing so quietly and in abundance. Although the species has not recovered to pre-exploitation levels, enough Goliath Groupers are showing up at a few spawning aggregation sites that their presence, and the SCUBA divers that come to visit them, bring a much needed lifesaver to small businesses in Florida, between late August and early October, just when transition between the summer and winter seasons will leave these businesses in the doldrums. Here, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, because every individual Goliath Grouper contributes to the underwater spectacle of a spawning aggregation, which is what the scuba divers pay to see. In this sense, every single Goliath Grouper is precious and has value by itself, and brings added value when forming a spawning aggregation.

Goliath Grouper and Sarah

Goliath Grouper meets Dr. Sarah Frias-Torres. Photo Credit: Steve Karm

A live Goliath Grouper is more valuable than a dead one. And living Goliaths will keep forming spawning aggregations and contributing to the Florida economy for as long as they live.

Killing Goliath Groupers is not supported by scientific research. Continuing their protection ensures the livelihoods of Florida businesses and workers because SCUBA divers from all over Florida, the USA and the world come here to see these spectacular gentle giants. Florida is now the only place in the world where we can find Goliath Groupers reliably in any significant numbers.

For all these reasons, I urge the FWC Commission to grant Goliath Groupers wildlife status and designate this species as a non-consumptive fish for ecotourism. Scientists from FWC and other institutions can work together to manage the species for conservation.


Sarah FriasTorres, Ph.D.

Twitter: @GrouperDoc



Volunteer positions to work on Aldabra Atoll

Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2017 05:19:11 +0000
From: April Jaz <[email protected]>
Subject: [Coral-List] Volunteer positions to work on Aldabra Atoll
UNESCO World Heritage Site
To: “[email protected]” <[email protected]>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=”utf-8″

The following two positions are now open to applicants:

1) Volunteer needed for data analysis work on Aldabra Atoll

The Seychelles Islands Foundation manages and protects the two Seychelles? UNESCO World Heritage sites, Aldabra Atoll and the Valle?e de Mai. We are seeking a volunteer with excellent experience in analysing ecological data to join our team on Aldabra for a period of 6?8 months.
Working under the Aldabra Scientific Coordinator (ASC) you will be set specific tasks relating to Aldabra data management. You will clean, analyse and write?up data to answer specific research questions that align with the Aldabra management plan objectives. You will also be tasked with setting up auto?analysis templates to allow frequent high level analysis of long?term data sets, ensuring that results are instantly available, providing the information required to make management decisions. There will be opportunities to contribute to or lead on scientific publications. The role will also involve general field work (terrestrial and marine) and data entry. Field work will include time at field camps in very basic conditions and walking in difficult terrain and high temperatures. This role offers a unique opportunity to experience and contribute to the conservation and monitoring of one of the planet?s most pristine ecosystems and apply your skills to streamline and improve a
long?term monitoring programme.

Criteria and specific skill set

*   ?  Strong data analysis skills and experience working with statistical programmes including R (Essential)

*   ?  Advanced knowledge and experience of Microsoft Excel and Access (Essential)

*   ?  Previous experience in dealing with large long?term datasets (Essential)

*   ?  A good understanding of ecological systems and drivers (Essential)

*   ?  Good general IT skills and understanding (Essential)

*   ?  Previous experience of field work and data collection (Essential)

*   ?  Report?writing experience in English (Essential)

*   ?  Experience on islands/remote areas (Desirable)

*   ?  Ability to use GPS and GIS software (Desirable)

*   ?  Strong communication/team skills, ability to get on well with people from different cultures (Essential)

*   ?  Excellent physical fitness, able to tolerate tropical heat & long hours in difficult terrain (Essential)

*   ?  Good work ethic ? reliable, committed, highly motivated, professional, and positive attitude (Essential)

*   ?  Independent, able to take initiative and co?exist in a tiny community with restricted facilities.

*   ?  Confidence in the water ? ability to swim well is essential.

*   ?  Medically fit ? ESSENTIAL ? It is not advisable, and potentially very dangerous, for anyone with a history of medical problems to apply as the nearest hospital is hours (or days) away by boat and plane.

2) Volunteer needed for monitoring & data processing on Aldabra Atoll

Working under the Aldabra Scientific Coordinator (ASC) you will work as part of the Aldabra research team, conducting routine monitoring on turtles, giant tortoises, birds, and plants. You will also be set specific tasks assisting in the organisation, development and streamlining of the Aldabra monitoring programme and library. With direction and training from the ASC you will assist in basic data cleaning and analysis, data collection, method development, report writing, mapping and other tasks. Fieldwork will include spending time at field camps in basic conditions, boat work, walking in difficult terrain and high temperatures and possibly marine work. This role offers a unique opportunity to experience and contribute to the conservation and monitoring of one of the planet?s most pristine ecosystems.

Criteria and specific skill set

*   ?  A degree in environmental/conservation science (Essential), and post?graduate degree (Desirable)

*   ?  Experience with ecological fieldwork and data collection (Essential), preferably on islands or other

remote/tropical areas

*   ?  Previous experience in dealing with large long?term datasets (Essential)

*   ?  Report?writing experience in English (Essential)

*   ?  Experience working with Microsoft Access and Excel (Essential)

*   ?  Experience in basic data analysis (Essential)

*   ?  Ability to use and apply GPS and GIS software (Essential)

*   ?  Literature review experience (Essential)

*   ?  Experience setting up monitoring programmes/surveys (Desirable)

*   ?  Confidence in the water ? ability to swim well is essential and marine/diving qualification (Desirable)

*   ?  Strong communication/team skills, ability to get on well with people from different cultures (essential)

*   ?  Excellent physical fitness, able to tolerate tropical heat & long hours in difficult terrain (essential)

*   ?  Good work ethic ? reliable, committed, highly motivated, professional, and positive attitude (essential)

*   ?  Independent and able to take initiative without close supervision, and co?exist in a tiny community with restricted facilities.

*   ?  Medically fit ? ESSENTIAL ? It is not advisable, and potentially very dangerous, for anyone with a history of medical problems to apply as the nearest hospital is hours (or days) away by boat and plane.

The successful candidate should be available in late March 2017 and will likely return in November 2017. Due to Aldabra’s extreme remoteness and the south?east trade winds that dominate weather throughout May?October it is rare to have transport on or off the atoll throughout this time and therefore applicants should be aware that once on the atoll, departure before November is unlikely. Please send applications (CV & cover letter) and queries to Dr Nancy Bunbury, [email protected] by Friday 17th February 2017.

Successful candidate will be responsible for costs to get to Seychelles but will be provided with accommodation for the duration of the contract and a small stipend (to cover food costs) plus SIF will manage costs of deployment to Aldabra.


PhD Opportunity:

Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2017 15:38:58 +0100
From: Sal Keith <[email protected]>
Subject: [Coral-List] PhD Opportunity: Critical thresholds for fish
foraging        strategies
To: [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset=utf-8

Dear Coral listers

A fully funded PhD on Identifying critical thresholds for foraging strategies of coral reef fish is available at Lancaster Environment Centre supervised by myself (LEC), Nick Graham (LEC), and Nate Sanders (University of Vermont). Below is a brief summary. Full information, including how to apply, is available here: <>. Deadline 28th Feb.

Coral reefs are experiencing dramatic shifts in abundance, composition and spatial distribution of their species in response to environmental change. One rarely considered impact of such changes is that behaviour, evolved over periods of relative stability, might become suboptimal in today?s changing reef conditions. For example, fish might need to search for longer to find suitable food, resulting in a deficit of energy required for their basic survival. Butterflyfishes (Chaetodon spp.) are a genus of approximately 50 species that fall along a continuum of home range size and dietary specialisation. These fish, many of which feed directly on corals, offer an excellent model system to explore the capacity for foraging strategies to succeed following disturbance events such as coral bleaching. The impact of behavioural strategy on individual survival, growth and reproduction, and how these processes scale up to influence population dynamics and macroecological patterns is an a
spect of coral reef vulnerability that is relatively unknown.
This PhD would aim to predict critical thresholds of coral states at which butterflyfish foraging strategies fail, identifying key intervention points for conservation action. The PhD would start with a review chapter to determine how and why foraging behaviours are expected to respond to environmental change. Based on this foundation and using existing unpublished primary empirical data on butterflyfish foraging across the central Indo-Pacific, potentially undertaking fieldwork to collect additional data, the candidate will develop dynamic individual based models (IBM) to quantify behavioural flexibility and its consequences under scenarios of future environmental change.


Sally A. Keith, PhD
Research website: <>
Twitter: @Sal_Keith

Searching the Archives of Coral list

From: James Hendee <[email protected]>
Subject: [Coral-List] Searching the Archives
To: Coral-List <[email protected]>
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


It is a rather common need to search the Coral-List archives for key
phrases or words.  Using the Google search engine on the Google Chrome
browser, you can input your desired entry in the search box to find your
key word or phrase, say “ocean acidification”:

site:// “ocean acidification”

This searches all the Coral-List archives for that phrase.  I hope this
is of help to you.

Coral-List Admin

Differential response of coral communities to Caulerpa spp. bloom in the reefs of Indian Ocean

Differential response of coral communities to Caulerpa spp. bloom in the reefs of Indian Ocean

  1. 1.
Research Article

DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-8136-5

Cite this article as:
Manikandan, B. & Ravindran, J. Environ Sci Pollut Res (2016). doi:10.1007/s11356-016-8136-5
  • 91Downloads


Coral reef ecosystems are disturbed in tandem by climatic and anthropogenic stressors. A number of factors act synergistically to reduce the live coral cover and threaten the existence of reefs. Continuous monitoring of the coral communities during 2012–2014 captured an unprecedented growth of macroalgae as a bloom at Gulf of Mannar (GoM) and Palk Bay (PB) which are protected and unprotected reefs, respectively. The two reefs varying in their protection level enabled to conduct an assessment on the response of coral communities and their recovery potential during and after the macroalgal bloom. Surveys in 2012 revealed a live coral cover of 36.8 and 14.6% in GoM and PB, respectively. Live coral cover was lost at an annual rate of 4% in PB due to the Caulerpa racemosa blooms that occurred in 2013 and 2014. In GoM, the loss of live coral cover was estimated to be 16.5% due to C. taxifolia bloom in 2013. Tissue regeneration by the foliose and branching coral morphotypes aided the recovery of live coral cover in GoM, whereas the chances for the recovery of live coral cover in PB reef were low, primarily due to frequent algal blooms, and the existing live coral cover was mainly due to the abundance of slow-growing massive corals. In combination, results of this study suggested that the recovery of a coral reef after a macroalgal bloom largely depends on coral species composition and the frequency of stress events. A further study linking macroalgal bloom to its specific cause is essential for the successful intervention and management.


January 2025