$Economic Valuation of Ship Damage to Coral Reefs$

2016-07-19 1:21 GMT-05:00, Mahmoud Sarhan :
> Dear Coral Listers
> I would like to open a discussion again on the compensation and economic
> valuation for coral reef damage. In the incidents of ship grounding on
> coral reefs and other similar accidents, park rangers are always challenged
> by calculating the appropriate compensation. In most cases, coral reef
> ecosystem services are not accounted for during the compensation
> calculations. A good economic valuation for coral reef damage is a lengthy
> and expensive process. It requires expertise that might not be available in
> many MPAs.
> In Egypt, a formula was developed in 1992 to be used for all coral ref
> damage assessment incidents. The purpose of having such formula was to
> provide a unified and user-friendly compensation system that can be applied
> for all cases. The formula is *A x LC x D x RP x V*
> Where:
> A = Impacted area (m2)
> LC = % of living coral
> D=% damaged
> RP=number of years needed for recovery
> V= Value of 1 m2 of the reef ($300 based on recreational/tourism benefits
> only)
> I am currently working with the Environmental Economist Dr Rady Tawfik and
> other team members to help National Parks of Egypt to develop a
> compensation
> system for coral reef damage/injuries . During the stakeholders
> consultation processes, we noticed that there is a preference to have a
> straight forward damage assessment procedures. This is to facilitate the
> economic valuation processes for park rangers who do not possess the
> technical expertise/skills in economic valuation. We are currently
> considering re-assessing and improving the current formula and developing a
> standard procedures that capture the ecosystem services (direct and
> indirect) where possible. We might be ending of developing the formula and
> adding up more sections in the assessment to include components such as
> cost of the damage assessment process and the value of other social and
> ecological (direct and indirect) ecosystem services.
> I look forward to get your takes on this issue. What are your thoughts on
> using/developing this formula and improving the compensation system.
> What concerns or suggestions you might have that could be useful for the
> Egyptian case.
> Your contributions are highly appreciated.
> Mahmoud Sarhan *MSc, MPS*
> Research Associate
> Center for Sustainable Global Enterprise
> Cornell University
> https://sites.google.com/site/mahmoudsarhanweb/

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July 2016